Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Worst Part

The small window of time with Mayan I was able to wrestle away from the grips of one's insecurity and desire to win a battle, today, on Father's Day, flew by. Seems every minute with Mayan does. Why should three hours be any different? Now I face the grim reality of not seeing her again for two weeks. I commence a series of business trips tomorrow that will ultimately bring me to New York, where I will meet Mayan and her mother as they arrive from their trip to Toronto which begins Tuesday. Mayan and I will spend a few days in NY before heading to Ohio on July 2nd. Though I will have plenty on my plate over the next couple of weeks it doesn't change how much I will miss seeing her and hugging her. It's that simple. I'm happy and grateful that she gets all of this life experience with visiting her cousins and grandparents in Toronto and getting to see one of her good friends who moved to New Jersey. But, I despise this part - the worst part of being a divorced parent; having to be away from your child.

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