Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"Change" Obsession

Some (especially the ratings hungry info-tainment media) are so obsessed with questioning the "change" in President-Elect Obama's cabinet and staff choices, that they can't see where the important "change" should and will be. I am referring to the press conference this week when a so-called journalist asked Obama whether the staff choices he had made for his cabinet and advisory positions conflicted with his campaign message of "Change". To him and everyone who pose this question; When Americans have decent paying jobs and affordable health care; when our homeland is truly secure and our children are destined to inherit a thriving and vibrant world; when our government is once again as it was intended to be, "of the people and by the people", and you are enjoying the fruits of prosperity, I hope you will raise your nay-saying heads then so that they may be lopped off with the swift strikes of "YES WE DID". But, I suspect that you will leap on the back of the proverbial bandwagon and claim you were there all along. Do us all a favor and save your armchairing for Monday Night Football. Some of us, I pray most of us, prefer to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. What "change" are you bringing to your life, your family, your community, your country?